Understand your child's emotions. Help them reach their potential.

Inner strength can be developed. It can be nurtured by everyday words and actions.

  • Every child and teenager will face challenges in life.
  • We can’t protect our children from everything as they get older.
  • Positive words and actions help build resilience.
  • Teaching certain skills will help children deal with life’s challenges
  • Goal-setting, persistence, and managing emotions help kids in later life.

Improve your child's coping skills

What has resilience got to do with child development?

Resilience helps kids to ‘bounce back’

What does it mean to be resilient? It’s about being able to bounce back after a setback. To keep working at something, even when it’s not easy. Changes and challenges - big and small - are part of life. Learning to cope with challenges and uncertain times is an important life-long skill.

Why is resilience important for children?

Becoming more resilient helps children try new things, even if it takes a while to succeed. Resilience also helps children understand that sometimes, things won’t work out as planned. But it’s still possible to cope and move on.

Resilience helps children be more confident in their approach to school and life. But if a child or teenager feels sad, anxious or worried a lot of the time, it can cause problems. Depression or anxiety can seriously interfere with learning and social activities. It can also start to affect the whole family.

Can I tell if my child is resilient?

Becoming more resilient is a journey rather than a destination. You’ll be able to see when your child is developing resilience and coping skills. For one thing, they’ll get better at recovering from setbacks. This will vary from one child to another. It will also depend partly on other factors (age, the event, other things happening at the time). But whatever the case, all children can benefit from support to develop their coping skills. These skills can be supported from the earliest years onward.

What can I do to help build my child’s resilience?

Children learn from the positive interactions they have with their parents or caregivers. This can include teaching problem-solving skills, and showing how to embrace and learn from mistakes. It’s also about having an optimistic outlook.

Positive interactions also help children feel safe and secure. This loving and caring atmosphere helps them develop the social, emotional and cognitive skills to succeed. Even so, parents can’t protect children from difficult feelings altogether. As children and teenagers grow, it’s important they start to develop confidence in their own coping skills. As a parent, you can help manage anxiety in children with the strategies Triple P provides.

Triple P Online shows you simple but proven ways to create the environment that helps your child reach their potential. It’s a toolbox of ideas and skills, not a rule-book. You choose and adapt what suits your child and your family.

Find which course suits you best

Every family’s different, so we make it easy to choose the parenting support that fits your situation.

  • 1/4

    Triple P Online for Baby

    Create a positive foundation, right from the start

    Online <0 to 1 year 7 x 30 mins
    • Nurture your baby’s development
    • Understand their cues and strengthen your bond
    • Look after your emotional wellbeing
  • 2/4

    Triple P Online

    Confidently handle everyday parenting challenges

    Online under 12 years 8 x 30 mins
    • Improve behaviour and grow closer
    • Positively influence your child’s development
    • Create a happier, calmer family life
  • 5/7

    Teen Triple P Online

    Raise happy, responsible and resourceful teens

    Online 10 to 16 years 6 x 30 mins
    • Positively influence your teen’s life skills
    • Confidently address behaviours
    • Build connections and enjoy family life more
  • 3/4

    Fear-Less Triple P Online

    Build resilience in children and help them manage anxiety

    Online 6+ years 6 x 30 mins
    • Get a better understanding of anxiety
    • Learn what to do when your child is anxious
    • Boost resilience and coping skills
  • 4/4

    Family Transitions Triple P Online

    Support your child through separation or divorce

    Online under 12 years 5 x 30 mins
    • Create stability and reassurance for children
    • Learn proven co-parenting strategies
    • Handle challenges calmly and confidently
  • 6/7


    Check the calendar – find a parenting support session near you

    With others 0 to 16 years Some free
    • Learn more about positive parenting
    • Explore topical issues
    • Boost your parenting confidence
  • 7/7


    Search the provider map – find personal parenting support near you

    One-on-one 0 to 16 years Some free
    • Find help near you
    • Access a personal Triple P provider
    • Build your parenting confidence

Commonly asked questions

Triple P is one of the few parenting programs in the world with evidence to show it works. There are literally hundreds of trials and studies to show Triple P works for most families, in many different cultures, and in many different family situations. Triple P Online is also the first online parenting program proven to work.

Each module only takes about 30 minutes to an hour. You don’t need to do it all in one block, either. Some parents prefer to just do ten or fifteen minutes a day. There are 8 modules in Triple P Online and 6 in Teen Triple P Online and Fear-Less Triple P Online. There’s also an extra Parenting During Uncertain Times module in each, to help with issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic. So if you start today and do one or two modules each week, you could be finished in about a month! Of course, it’s totally up to you. If you want to take it more slowly, take a break, or go back and revisit a previous module, that’s all fine too.

Triple P International takes your privacy and data protection very seriously. We have rigorous IT security systems and procedures. We don’t share your information with any third-party marketing organisations or unauthorised personnel. Your email address and region are visible to our administration team. Your progress may be visible to a system administrator in case you need to change your email address. All other family information within the program is anonymised. If you’d like more information, please review our privacy policy.

It's helpful, but not essential. Triple P is used very successfully by single parents. When more than parent, step-parent or carer does the course it helps everyone work as a team to make changes. This includes grandparents and other family members, and even ex-partners, if they also care for your children. It makes it easier to communicate better about parenting, argue and disagree less, and support each other more. If you want both parents to have their own workbook and certificate, you need to request two access codes.

I’ve got a question that’s not covered here One of the great things about Triple P is that it’s not about telling you what to do in every situation. It’s about helping you feel confident that you can work out what to do. This will be based on what you learn about child development and the strategies you’ve picked up, and your ability to review and refine. So if your question’s about parenting, we suggest you go ahead and do the program! If it’s about something else to do with Triple P, you may want to try contacting us using this website’s contact details via our social media channels, or through your local Triple P support service.